Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A little Wise Acre Whimsy

I had a little time to kill in between appointments yesterday while in S. Mpls, so I headed over to Tangletown Gardens to pick up a few filler plants.  Right across the street at Wise Acre Eatery, I came across these fellows munching on
the roof.  It reminded me of a restaurant in Door County, WI that had the real McCoys up on the grass roof, keeping it clean and tidy.  I can't remember the name of it off hand, but goats grazed away. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

MN Herb Society Summer Tea

We had a lovely day on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, to celebrate our annual Summer Tea.  Our hostess this year was Faith, who is a Master Gardener.  Her gardens were designed with a combination of color, beauty, & texture.  She incorporated herbs and edible plants into her gardens.

The day was perfect. Sunny and 77°.  Ahh, these are the days we dream about in the midst of winter.
Our hostess, Faith.
I love the color and texture of the greens against the alliums on this wall.
Chip and one of our founding members, Gloria.
Faith's husband built this "Tower of Flower" that was a showcase of her front entry.
I loved this Japanese Northern Dwarf Pine near the front door with Strawberries gracing its roots.  The bicolored needles were soft and the cones were intriguing. 
A mirrored fence reflects the graceful gardens.
Beautiful boxes of herbs are within reach of the Kitchen.
And perhaps my favorite: a bowling ball covered with pennies creates a beautiful piece of garden art.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Star Thrower Farm

Well Summer is in full swing and while I should be posting more, these long days of summer of full.  Finally, the long awaited Part 2 of our Nursery Tour. 

From the previous post, you can see that we went to Tangletown Farm in Plato, MN.  The next stop on our Nursery Tour was Star Thrower Farm, located outside of Glencoe, MN.  Star Thrower Farm is a pastural sheep farm and a farmstead cheese business.  They sell their cheese, fleece, and pelts at the Mill City Farmers Market, so make sure to frequent and support this beautiful farm.  The raise purebred Icelandic sheep and strive to make a difference through responsible land stewardship, humans and respectful animal husbandry, and the production of high quality, nutritious food.  While the weather looked a little threatening, we dodged any rain and had a wonderful time with Deborah Pikovsky.

This is a corn crib built in 1900.  Corn cribs have been torn down over the years and this is one a the few remaining in MN.  The farms would store corn in these cribs to dry for winter feed.

Star Thrower Farms had approximately 150 lambs this spring.  It is quite normal for the sheep to have twins, but this year they had 4 sets of triplets as well.  These twins that Deborah is holding are just 8 days old.  The ewes spend 40-60 days with the babies before they are spilt up.

Star Thrower Farm raises a few beautiful heirloom ducks and also have a few llamas.  This is Kirwan, the guard llama. He had a reputation for being a little ornery.  And one thing I learned that wasn't in Llama. Llama, Red Pajama was that a person should never look a llama directly in the eyes.  Hmm, especially given Kirwan's disposition, I don't think one should ever make fun of a llama in red pajamas.

Star Thrower Farms milk the sheep from about June 1st thru October 15, although the ewes start drying off in September and they are milked less frequently.  The milking parlor holds 18 ewes per side and it takes about 90 seconds for the actual milking of a ewe. Generally each milking produces 1 1/2 pounds of milk.

These male sheep were just shorn the weekend before.  The ewes typical life span is 13-14 years.  The rams are 7-8 years.  They graze on 160 acres of grass, alfalfa, & chicory.

The Icelandic sheep come in 17 colors and patterns.  The Black Mufflon sheep has a brown belly.  The sheep get shorn twice a year and the Farm gets wool in an 8-12" staple length of fiber from the shirring.  While they don't make roving from the fleece, they do produce some gorgeous natural yarns and products made from the yarn.  They had 304 bags of wool from the last shearing. They also sell some pelts.  Deborah told us that an old easy way to clean the rugs is to put the rugs on the snow and walk on them.   That sounds like an inexpensive way to keep them beautiful and might even be a fun winter activity.