Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Guatemalan Kitchen

We had a great meeting last week when Amalia Moreno Damgaard was our guest speaker.  Amalia shared some fun stories about the Ceviche Houses in Guatemala City and then made this simple, but fabulous ceviche.  Her cookbook features healthy flavorful Guatemalan recipes -perfect to get us through the cold nights ahead.  I've already made a couple of the recipes; Sopa de Frijoles con Panitos (black bean soup) & Gallo Pinto (speckled rooster).  

Below is a pic of the ceviche Amalia made for us along with a link to the recipe.  Que Delicia! Spicy Ceviche Cups

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Amalia's Guatemalan Kitchen

Don't forget to join us in the Tea Room on Tuesday for our Fall meeting.  The speaker will be Amalia Moreno-Damgaard,  a Guatemalan chef & business woman.  Our Mesopotamia garden is the inspiration for inviting our speaker & Amalia will surely provide some tasty additions to our winter menus.  She'll have cookbooks for sale & will sign them for our members.
Check out her website & her blog Amalia's Blog

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Late season tomaotes

The frosts are coming, but we still have a few days to harvest those tomatoes & peppers.  I went out to gather the ones that were ripe today.  I heard on the news this morning that the average frost date for the metro is October 7th & the average killing frost (28°) is October 20th.  Last year we got both on October 7th.  This year, we've been lucky.  The late spring has transferred to a late autumn frost.  Let's hope this tomatoes have a few more days to ripen on the vine.

Monday, October 7, 2013

From September 17
This little guy held still for his photo.
Renee found a friend in the herb garden
Our volunteer of the year, working hard with a smile on her face.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Perfect Beginning: October

What a glorious day.  Chip & Mary were out on the Arboretum Prairies looking for the native artemisia.  The sky was a splendid blue & the prairie was stunning on this first of October.